Friday, January 28, 2011

Self confidence or lack thereof

Self confidence... What is it? How does one get it? Are we born with it or do we develop it?
I am a lifetime self critic. I like to say I can do anything but deep down i lack true, real confidence. Self confidence. Others have confidence in me, they see my potential and tell me they see it. But I don't. Why? Is it because I do not want to be selfish by having too much confidence in myself? Maybe that's it. I love giving and helping people, so why would I be selfish in my confidence when I can help other people have confidence in themselves? Or am I scared that self confidence will turn into self pride? What is the difference? 
So to my friends and acquaintances out there, I fully intend to have more confidence in myself, starting NOW! I CAN do anything. 
Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dream Sized Effort

I've always been someone who can dream up awesome things, then shoot down those dreams into reality. I have dreamt of visiting castles in Europe and owning a large home on acres of land where you can't even see the house from the main road. But I have shot myself into the reality of hopefully a trip to Disneyworld and owning a 4 bedroom house with a backyard and koi pond. What a difference.
But recently I have been challenged and encouraged to DREAM BIG and not limit my dreams. I'm still finding it hard to not keep my brain rooted in reality, but I'm taking baby steps toward dreaming.
I have learned that I CAN have big dreams if I let myself, but whether I achieve those dreams depends on me first putting in the effort to get there.
Does your effort match your dream?